Obtained US FDA certification

Non-Invasive Lifting Treatment

Ultherapy® utilizes a safe and time-proven ultrasound technology to lift and tighten the skin, without the need for surgery. The results are natural, helping you reshape the contours from the eyebrows to the chest, restoring a youthful and firm complexion, and showcasing the beauty of femininity. Ultherapy® has successfully completed over 2,000,000 treatments worldwide, proving its efficacy and safety, establishing it as the ‘gold standard’ in lifting procedures.

Ultherapy® is certified by the U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration), employing non-invasive techniques to tighten the neck and jawline, lift the brow line, and improve wrinkles on the upper chest. The reshaping and lifting treatments for the upper face, lower face, neck, and upper chest by Ultherapy® are also certified by the CONFORMITE EUROPEENNE.

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获美国FDA认证 非侵入式拉提疗程

Boston Ultherapy® Center

Boston Ultherapy® Center is a certified partner of MERZ Ulthera® for genuine product authenticity. Choosing counterfeit treatments not only poses safety concerns but also involves claimed effects that have not undergone rigorous verification. In addition to enduring potential side effects, users may face the risk of long-term consequences. Counterfeit treatments, with their safety issues and unverified claimed effects, often involve high-quality imitation devices, gray market products, and counterfeit Ulthera® probes. These imitation products cannot reliably deliver ultrasound energy to the target skin layer or depth, exposing users to various risks. If the thermal energy generated by ultrasound is too high or targeted at a too shallow skin layer, it may lead to burns. Conversely, if the energy output is too weak or unevenly distributed, the lifting effects may not meet expectations or may be entirely ineffective.

About us

Miu Lai Ng, FNP-BC MPH (Harvard) is extremely passionate about helping others achieve a beautiful and confident appearance. She values delicacy and attention to detail, advocating for the natural beauty that comes from within. A graduate of the University of Hong Kong Medical School and holding a Master's degree in Public Health from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Miu Lai has been involved in over 5,000 minimally invasive cosmetic surgeries. With years of dedication to the field of medical aesthetics, she has completed over 3,000 various medical aesthetic procedures using technologies such as ultrasonic knives, accumulating extensive clinical experience. Miu Lai specializes in providing medical aesthetic services for Asian clients, she is a specialist master in Ultherapy and currently serves as a trainer for Ultherapy. Boston Ulterapy Center is equipped with a variety of cutting-edge medical technologies and aesthetic instruments from around the world, offering the safest, most regulated, and comprehensive medical aesthetic services. Here, you can enjoy convenient and luxurious one-stop beauty solutions, including skin rejuvenation, wrinkle removal, filler, abdominal tightening, liposuction, hair removal, freckle removal, redness reduction, and other medical aesthetic treatments.
单次疗程 无术后恢复期

Single Treatment

No Postoperative Recovery Period

During the treatment, focused ultrasound energy is delivered to the skin through the Ulthera® device. Depending on the treatment area, the entire process takes 30 minutes to 2 hours. Some users may see immediate results after the treatment, but the overall contour generally improves gradually over two to six months.

Ultrasound Lifting Technology

Ultherapy® delivers focused ultrasound directly to the deep layers of the skin, creating an optimal temperature ‘hotspot.’ This initiates the body’s natural response – neocollagenesis, the regeneration of collagen. By stimulating the regeneration of collagen, it counteracts the effects of time and gravitational forces on the skin. The process relies solely on the body’s own collagen production, achieving natural and noticeable results effectively.



Different Depth of Skin

During the Ultherapy® treatment, focused ultrasound is precisely delivered to various skin depths, initiating the 'neocollagenesis' response at an appropriate temperature without stimulating the surface layer of the skin. After the treatment, fresh collagen gradually replaces the aging collagen in the body.


Optimal Temperature to Trigger Neocollagenesis

When the skin tissue is heated to a critical temperature (approximately 60°C to 70°C), the body initiates the neocollagenesis response. The weakened collagen is first broken down, followed by the stimulation of the growth of fresh collagen. Ultherapy® can accurately deliver focused ultrasound energy to the skin, triggering the neocollagenesis response.




Utilizing Real-Time Imaging Technology

During Ultherapy® treatments, doctors use the DeepSEE™ real-time ultrasound imaging technology. Through imaging, they ensure that focused ultrasound energy is delivered to the most appropriate skin depth, stimulating collagen production in the right locations to achieve optimal results.

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